Saturday, March 7, 2009


The Seoul, Korea craigslist site is my favorite source of Engrish of questionable appropriateness. I troll it when I am feeling particularly in need of really quality attempts at my native tongue. Take, in particular, this charming fellow:

"Safe Fun - 28 - Seoul


I want to meet someone
who knows how to play safe way,
who knows what is the polite way when meets somebody,
who knows what is "hot" when in the bed,
as I do.
(I mean phisically and socially safe way, but hot in the bed.) "

I am hot in the bed, sometimes. Particularly in the summer when I leave my air conditioning off to save on bills. FELLAS.


yusufyusuf said...

Nice blog...


bebop7 said...

Hi! I find you blog searching googles "criagslist". I am look for woman who knows how to party, slowly.

Garrett McMahon said...

Greetings, I am look for woman help me goodby depression. You constrict anus 100 times a day? Could be possible way.

bebop7 said...


Avery said...

Up your butts, fellas. Up your respective, unique, individual butts.